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Lead Service Line Inventory

Dear Water Customer:

We are requesting your assistance. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued regulations that require all public water supply districts and municipalities to conduct a service line inventory. We must identify the type of pipe materials going into (utilities side) and out-of (customer’s side) the meter set and the materials going into the home. By conducting this inventory, EPA hopes to bring awareness to the customer of any lead materials that may be affecting their drinking water. There is no lead in the water that is delivered to your home. However, lead particles could enter your water as it passes thorough lead pipes or joints. Homes built prior to 1989 are especially vulnerable.

We have contracted with Taylor Engineering of Farmington to assist us in meeting our deadline. They or representatives of the water district will visit you in the near future to gather information for the inventory. Please take the time to respond to their inquiries as this will help determine if you or your family are at risk of lead exposure. Additionally, with your permission, we will need to get a picture of the service line as it enters your building. The EPA does require documentation. Also, it may be necessary to dig a hole near the meter to identify the line materials. If so, the disturbed area will be fully restored.

As an alternative to a home visit, you may fill out the enclosed questionnaire, take pictures and return them to our office. It may be returned by mail, dropped off at the office or sent by email (mcwdserviceline@yahoo.com).

We want to thank you in advance for your cooperation in meeting these new regulations.


Madison County PWSD#1